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~ gycklargruppen@gmail.com ~

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Q: How many Norsemen does it take to set fire to a lantern?

A: Why bother with a lantern--there's a monastery just over the hill!

Fast det finns mycket mer intelligent skrivet om den högsta formen av hvmor, det vill säga den medeltida hvmorn:

To medieval thinkers, laughter was a complex subject, perhaps more complex than it is to most of us. It was considered to be a fundamental part of human nature, as the words of Notker Labeo, a monk of St. Gall who died in 1022, indicate: "homo est animal rationale, mortale, risus capax" ("Man is a rational, moral animal, capable of laughter") (Kolve 127). But this principle only complicated the matter rather than simplifying it. The question remained: is laughter good or evil, and for whom is laughter appropriate?
Läs mer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

-En abbot var på väg till Florens. Det var sent på kvällen och han var rädd att han inte skulle hinna fram innan portarna stängdes. Så mötte han en bonde med ett hölass på väg ifrån staden. "-Tror du att jag kommer in genom porten" frågade abboten. "-Ja, jag fick ju igenom kärran så nog ska du komma igenom" svarade bonden.

8:40 PM  

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